Monday, March 10, 2008

Merry Christmas to me!

My beautiful sister-in-law is here! Yeah! What was so great was that she came and got my kids from the church to take them home for me while I was at Route 456. When I came home they had already had a snack, built a fort, and wrote several silly stories. What a great Aunt! The best part of all is she brought tons of Starbucks coffee beans for me! My late Christmas present. Nothing like having Christmas in March. I love it! So I'm set for at least three months in the coffee department. On a different note, the new Route 456 program went great last night. We had about 16 kids and I hope to have even more next time. We ate pizza, played the Wii, ate baby food, and watched the amazing Master Potter, Jason Combs, make five vases on his potter's wheel. Watching Mr. Combs was really fascinating and the kids just stood there watching and asking questions for a long time! They were so interested in how he formed the lump of clay into something so smooth and perfect. What a great illustration of how God forms and shapes us into what he wants us to be. I really think that drove the point home to them that God has a special plan for each of them. It was a wonderful night. I want to just say that I have some of the best volunteers helping me with this group! Thank you Gary and Karen, you are both a blessing to me and to the kids at Farmland Friends.


Tricia said...

Sorry to hear about your cancellation! That stinks!!
Tell Anne Marie hi for me.....have a wonderful time together and I will be thinking of you : )

Shelby-Grace said...

Route 456 sounds like a lot of fun! I think I would have been fascinated by the pottery wheel too! Tell Anne Hi and will see her Friday if not sooner!

Tucker said...

I love you Tonya Joy! I miss you muchly! May God Bless you this month and expand your territory!

God'sProp777 said...

You sound like your fitting in very comfortably at Farmland. So.....when are you moving back to KS? Ha! Love ya and love what your ministry is doing!