Monday, February 9, 2009

The Big Question

Pastor Kris asked on his blog and in his sermon "What would you do if you only had one month to live?" Of course I would tell my family how much they mean to me and tell everyone that I came in contact with about Jesus. But I was trying to imagine what my state of mind might be. What would change? Would my relationship with God change? I think that I would be in constant communication with Him asking that he would help me figure out what I should do before I die. I would be relying on God for EVERYTHING. For peace in my last breath, that my family would be taken care of, strength, courage, and . . . . everything. But, isn't that how God wants me to live now? My every step be an expression of worship to Him. That's why I'm here. I get too caught up in worldly things sometimes that I forget this. I want to live every day for Him and I hope that I don't wait until my last moments on Earth to remember to worship Him with all that I have.


Unknown said...

Nice post! I've been asking myself that question and I can't seem to put myself in the reality of it. I'm like you, I think I'd be communicating with God seeking His direction....which as you said, we should be doing anyway. ;D

Anonymous said...

your last post was emotional, i get tears in my eyes thinking about this and you are to right i would want every one i love to know jesus and everyone round me, so what a good remimder to live my life as a testimony. love mom t.

Dana Deffendall said...

You are so right! I love that! GOD taught me to live like that after my sister died a year ago.