Thursday, June 19, 2008

Enjoying the Summer

I have really enjoyed the nice summer days lately. James and I have worked out a great work and kid schedule. I go to work in the morning, come home at noon and James goes in and gets off at dinner time. It's nice to spend time with my kids and do fun things together. Today they painted their arms and legs with shaving cream colored with food coloring. They had a blast and got clean at the same time! What could be better for a mom? So, I'm just really enjoying my laid back summer becuase I know that pretty soon my life will be a little hectic with the added bonus of a third child!


Keym said...

Can I get a refill?
What did you have?
You should ask me to tell you this story sometime!
I love summer although AC and a pool are requirements!

Mommy pfohl said...

Sounds like a great time! I'll have to remember that one! Do share any of those great ideas! :)